Tony Straw Photography
Real estate Photography
Whether you are selling real estate on your own or you are a realtor, professional photographs can be the difference between landing a showing or not. Adding professional real estate photos to your listing is affordable and sets your listing apart from the rest.
Real Estate Photo Packages start at $175
Standard Photo Session: $175 (for homes up to 3000 square feet) for homes in my local territory (Culver, Plymouth, Knox, Bourbon, Lakeville, Etna Green, etc...). $200 plus (depending on distance) for properties outside my local territory (South Bend, Elkhart, Winamac, Warsaw, etc...). Includes both interior and exterior photos. Final edited images will be delivered within 24 hours of the session via Dropbox. They will be sized at maximum size allowed by MLS.
Interior Video Package: Add a video 'walk through' of the interior of your home. $175 additional cost with a Standard Photo Session. $250 for video without a Standard Photo Session.
Large Home Session: $250 (for homes over 3000 square feet). Please expect this session to take 2-3 hours. Final prices to be determined after on-sight review of the property.
Twilight Photos (optional): $150 Twilight shots give a dramatic an elegant look to the home. Twilight shots are done between sunset and approximately 40 minutes after sunset. All lights in the home must be turned on.
Hourly Photographic Fee: $50 per hour (2 hour minimum). This is for those times when the standard or large photo sessions do not meet the needs of the client.
Contact me for additional details:
Phone: 574-250-3142